America Today: Where Race, Hate and Progress Collide


The shooting that killed nine people at Charleston’s Emmanuel African American Methodist Church leaves yet another chilling affect on this country.

Mass murder involving any race is a tragedy. Mass murder by someone who reportedly entered the church, loaded and reloaded his gun several times to intentionally kill black people is appalling. It’s even more egregious that is took place at a church packed for their Wednesday night Bible study.

Is there any limit to where these tragedies will take place? Elementary schools. Movie theaters. Ordinary places have become crime scenes because someone who has lost their way has decided to take out their vengeance on others. This kind of hate is well beyond #BlackLivesMatter. This kind of hate is a symbol of violence gone wrong. The shooter in Charleston reportedly singled out black people and he is quoted saying, “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.” This is the sign of a deranged individual.

Let me caution those who want to blame every white person for the madness of this one individual. Let me encourage everyone to open their minds, their hearts and the doors of their churches, homes, offices to have an honest conversation about how we rebel the underlying racial hatred that some people hold.

What’s happening is a direct reaction to a changing America where communities are transitioning to become multi-racial and multi-ethnic. It’s clear by a seemingly increasing number of incidents that there’s a great deal of fear about change, and the reality that a diverse America is causing some to feel like they are no longer in control.


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